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A Cropped Picture to Paint a False Picture on Rafale

Aahana Ashi
A Cropped Picture to Paint a False Picture on Rafale

In an article in The Hindu on February 08, 2019, journalist N. Ram has published a story titled Defence Ministry protested against PMO undermining Rafale negotiations.

This article has been published by him after his previous, widely discredited article on Rafale about how Modi’s decision to buy 36 Rafales shot the price of each jet up by 41%.

In the previous article, N Ram had contradicted himself on various counts.

As soon as this latest story was published in The Hindu, Congress President Rahul Gandhi spared no time in holding a press conference and attack the government on Rafale, and paint it as a ‘scam’ of Rs.

In his latest article, he has published a Defence Ministry’s internal note dated November 24, 2015.

It is desirable that such discussions be avoided by the PMO as it undermines our negotiating positions seriously”.


Aahana Ashi
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