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5 steps for the maintenance of a mobile home skirting

joolie Robert
5 steps for the maintenance of a mobile home skirting

5 steps for the maintenance of a mobile home skirting

The mobile homes are designed to last for many years but, thanks to good maintenance, you can extend the life of your

mobile home. You already know that "prevention is better than cure" so get down to work and keep in mind these five

steps for the maintenance of a mobile home.

1.- Check that it is level
At least once a year, we recommend checking that your mobile home is level. In this way, you will avoid cracks in the

walls, bad closing of doors and windows, and other problems that may be derived from environmental causes such as

landslide. To supervise the leveling of the mobile home, you must access the pillars and check, from the center, each

pier that holds the house. Here you have a good article that explains how to do it.

2.- Roof maintenance
Periodic testing of the gutter system is an easy way to avoid damage to the foundations and roof. It is an indispensable

step in the good maintenance of a mobile home. The clogged gutters can cause water damage and leakage . In flat roofed

houses, it is recommended to seal the roof every year. It is also advisable to check the roof after intense storms or

heavy snow, since it is easier to fix the damage at the moment than to let it spread with the passage of time.

3.- Socket ventilation
Regular checking of your gutter system is an easy way to avoid damaging the foundation and roof. Likewise, it is

important to leave enough space in the base so that no mold is generated but, at the same time, animals can not enter.

Likewise, vents must be installed so that no dead air remains.

In addition, we recommend checking if the beams are bent or the frame is rotten.

  4.- Supervise the pipes
The entire plumbing system of a mobile home is very similar to that of a traditional house, although that of the mobile

home is usually simpler: a supply line, a drain line and a ventilation line. While in the houses of construction the

supply passes through the walls, in a mobile home it goes under or on the side of the house. The ventilation is usually

in the upper part.(mobile home skirting kits)

At least once a year it would be convenient to check the source of supply, the drainage or the drainage and ventilation.

Likewise, it is advisable to check the valves to open and close the water passage in case of need. At this point, our

advice is to have cut-off valves in all water sources so as not to resort to general cutting when faced with a specific

problem in a toilet or faucet.

5.- Hire a good insurance
Even if you are a "handyman" and take care of your mobile home practically every day, follow these steps for optimal

maintenance of a mobile home. And do not forget to renew the insurance of your mobile home every year. And you know now,

with Sport Homes, if you buy any mobile home, you have one year of free insurance .

joolie Robert
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