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Importance Of Responsive Websites

Xopple Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Importance Of Responsive Websites

It is predicted that the number of smartphones users will reach 9.87 billion globally. The responsive website has the strength to stay ahead of your competitors and boost your market share. It assists you to stay ahead of the curve. What does responsive design really mean? If you do not get it now, you will never understand the importance of responsive web design.

What is Responsive Design?

A responsive site is a unique site that fits any size of a screen. It’s as easy to use on mobile devices as it is on a desktop and tablet. No horizontal scrolling or pinching need. The responsive website normally fits the mobile devices it is being seen on. So it looks amazing on any desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Google state that:

“At least 68% of people will probably buy a thing or use a service from a website that is responsive. While 62% of users won't remain on your website if it’s not responsive”

This is why Google ranks only responsive websites. Google always suggests a responsive design. Responsive sites have one URL and a related HTML, which performs it simple and more skilled for Google to index, crawl, and make content. Content that lives on one site and one URL is really simple for customers to communicate with, share, and connect to than the web content that continues on a various mobile website.

Right now many companies have two types of websites:

Main Website

A mobile version of the same site

This was a general practice before responsive design comes into an active strategy. Mobile sites intend multiple versions of your site to manage and update. It’s nothing but incompetence!

A Responsive website is less time consuming and powerful as compared to a mobile website. You just have to modernize a single site. You only require to optimize your single responsive site for search results. Responsive websites load 10 times faster as compared to mobile website thus save loading time. Responsive sites work efficiently on various devices they are seen on. All site pages are regularly available. As per Google, "45% of visitors leave a website if it takes more 5 seconds to load".

Better User Experience

Responsive design has the potential to enhance your user experience despite whether they are on a smartphone or tablet or desktop. In providing the best experience, people will have a definite perception about your site, so they will most likely return.

Ultimate Scalability

Responsive design provides you the clearest chance to maintain the latest gadgets and screens in the future. You do not have to redesign your site. A responsive website is similar to liquid, that can scale up or down as predicated to match the screen being used to get to the website. This means as new devices hit the market with various screen sizes unlike what we have seen already, that responsive sites will always be enthusiastic to engage those new gadgets with an aspect and the best experience always. It can manage with whatever screen sizes they cast at us.

Boost ROI

With a responsive design, your site will fit every mobile device, providing the appropriate form and content that meets the requirement of your customers. Your business will just have one site to maintain. You will only want to stimulate content one time only, enabling you to pay regard to how people devour your content. It will also help to reduce your web content management costs and provide a higher ROI.

Increase in Sales

Shopping on mobile devices is consistently growing. Web-based shopping is easier than bouncing out to the car and heading to the store. 80% of customers consistently use their smartphones to shop on the web. Moreover, 73% of customers now utilize smart devices to read feedbacks of any given product. If your products and services are just simple to view from a mobile device, you are giving up a high possibility to build your business.

Branding and Engagement

Mobile users who think, a website which allows excellent mobile experience are more apt to return for future business. So web design companies should make responsive websites so that the end-user flawlessly satisfy their requirements with great functionality, flexibility also they can gain support by them.

Wrapping Up

To wrap, above listed points has proven the importance of responsive design. Responsive websites play a key role in your business. If you don't have responsive websites till now then I would strongly recommend you do it. If it is only a matter of time for building the best responsive website, you should rely on an excellent web development company.

Xopple Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
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