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How to Install Windows 10 On Your Computer from USB/DVD

kina patel
How to Install Windows 10 On Your Computer from USB/DVD

How to Downloading and Installing Windows 10: Welcome back guys today at Just Web World we’re back with all new post for our readers and specially you who visited here to learn how to install windows 10 on your computer or laptop.

Actually today in this guide we will provide you two guide one is for the people who are having genuine and activated windows 7 or any latest windows whereas other guide will lead you to all new downloading and installing windows 10 on your computer but in this process you can lose your data if the data is not backup-ed or shifted to Not USING drive while installing the windows.

I would recommend you guys to use the second process if you are having a genuine and activated windows 7 or 8, 8.1 or follow the process below to continue installing windows 10 by downloading from microsoft website.

Either you can also transfer the files to your Local Disk partition which is not a active part of the windows installation or you can also transfer the data to a external storage space like pendrive, external hard drive and CD.

After your PC is completing all the requirements lets get to the process of downloading windows 10 ISO from microsoft developer’s website.

Once your download is finished you can move to next step which is the final step and the once which will help you in installing the new windows.

kina patel
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