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How to Adjust Your Mouse Sensitivity

ava williams
How to Adjust Your Mouse Sensitivity

You can adjust your mouse sensitivity on Windows PC, Mac and Chromebook by opening the start or Apple menu. The mouse sensitivity settings can be tweaked in all three operating systems and it will allow you to change the accuracy of the mouse pointer while moving the mouse cursor.

Steps to Change the Mouse Sensitivity on Windows PC

•    Launch the Start menu. Press the Windows symbol given in the end left-hand side of the display.

•    Press on a gear symbol. Tap on the gear symbol located on the left-hand section of the Start window. It will launch the settings window.

•    Tap on the devices button. You will find this button near the upper side of the start window next to the speaker symbol and the system keyboard.

•    Press the Mouse button. You will get this in the third column from the upper side on the left-hand section below the “Devices” title. It will open the Mouse settings window on the right-hand column of the display.

•    Tap on the Additional mouse options button. It is located below the “

Steps to Change the Mouse Sensitivity on Mac

•    Go to the Apple menu. Tap on the Apple symbol given in the upper left-hand side of the display.  You will get the pull-down list on display.

•    Tap on the System Preferences option. It is located near the upper side of the pull-down list.

•    Press on the Trackpad or Mouse option. In case you are the user of MacBook laptop, then press on the Trackpad option or the users of iMac desktop have to press on Mouse option.

•    Press the Point and Click option. You will get this option at the upper side of the display.

•    In case you have already tapped the Mouse option, then leave this procedure.

•    Change the “Tracking speed” slider. Press and pull the slider to the left-hand side to decrease the mouse cursor speed, or pull the slider to the right-hand side to increase the mouse cursor speed.

•    Check the mouse sensitivity. You need to move the cursor near the display. In case it starts moving fast, then pull the “Tracking speed” slider to the left-hand side, or in case it moves slowly, then pulls the slider to the right-hand side.

•    Close the System Preferences menu. Tap on the red color “Exit” round shape option located in the upper left-hand side of the menu.

Steps to Change the Mouse Sensitivity on Chromebook

•    Go to the menu. Tap on the option located at the end right-hand side of the display.

•    Search the settings option. You need to enter the settings into the search bar which starts showing on display and after that, tap on the settings option.

•    Search the Mouse and Touchpad option.

•    Adjust the mouse sensitivity.

•    Close the settings menu.

Source Url:- http://sy-norton.com/how-to-adjust-your-mouse-sensitivity/

Ava Williams is a Norton product expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Ava has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as norton.com/setup.

ava williams
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