Entrepreneurs inclined towards automotive industry around the world are consciously thinking of ways to help people with their cars and bikes. It is a known fact that people love their old bikes and cars and don’t wish to part ways with them. Let’s see the numbers to support this claim. According to sources; the average age of the U.S. vehicle fleet has increased 17% in the last ten years. The average length of vehicle ownership for new and used vehicles has increased 60% in the last ten years. 75% of aftermarket auto repair is performed by independent auto repair shops, while 25% of the business lives with dealerships.
However, with regular usage the wear and tear of the vehicle becomes inevitable. So what’s an entrepreneur to do? The answer lies in creating an app that helps connect the right set of motor vehicle enthusiasts to the mechanics who can provide justice to the owners vehicles. What best way to adopt an on demand business model than employing Uber’s model for mechanic; Uber for Mechanics app.
Why choose a Mechanics app as an entrepreneur?
You saw the number, you saw people cling onto their old bikes and cars, people are ready to spend an obscene amount of money to restore their favorite bikes because they love it. You can tap this market, by creating the perfect mechanic app. However, it isn’t easy creating the perfect app for your customers with but you need to know where you can start; so here’s a list of three major features that are important to create an on demand mechanic app for your customers.
Detailed User profile
A detailed and verified profile for your Mechanics you’ve partnered with will give your customers a strong sense of confidence to get their vehicles repaired. Any entrepreneur wishing to make it big in the on demand mechanic service space definitely needs this feature to make their app stand out.
Mechanic service purely on demand
Provide your customers the privilege of getting mechanics on demand. The best thing you can do is to provide repair services to your customers whenever they want, you can aggregate a lot of Mechanic partners and get this done with ease.
Multi payment integration
One of the most important factors that distinguishes a great app from a good one is the payment integration. The more payment avenues your app supports the better chances of your success.
If you are looking to build a great app then AppDupe is a good place to start.