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Learn about Classical Yoga and Eight Limbs

Grace Anderson
Learn about Classical Yoga and Eight Limbs

The nature of the postures also awaken the psychic centers known as the chakra system.

Prana is the energy found within all things, it is in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink

In the body, prana assumes different functions, just as in a home, electricity supplies lights on one circuit, power sockets on another and cooker or shower on yet another.

In this state, the scattered energies of the mind are brought into sharp focus, often called one-pointedness.

Many will be familiar with the idea of the little boy and a magnifying glass on a sunny day, focusing the suns’ rays on a piece of paper which will ignite when the rays come into sharp focus.

So it is with the human mind, all mundane thought ceases and the ability to concentrate intensifies.

Grace Anderson
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