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Top 7 App Development Risks That Can Be Mitigated In Agile Environments

Prismetric Technologies
Top 7 App Development Risks That Can Be Mitigated In Agile Environments

In the app development space, the associated risks- out-of-scope, out-of-budget, and missed schedule are the part of the territory that will rear the ugly heads again if they are not managed in a well-thought and well-planned way.

Here, we will not go into the opportunity section that agile mindset will create as we have already discussed it in the previous blog, while we will be discussing the risks come in the course of app development individually or together and impacting the results or leading to project failure and how agile development treat and deal with risks.

The likelihood of occurrence of any of these uncertainties namely time, budget, skill mismatch, resource, lack of clarity, technology disruption, changes in government policies, and growing competition in a conventional app development create blockages and increases the chances of project failure.

There are burn-down charts that help project managers to visualize the project progress easily, efforts made, and any deviation in the typical schedule, which further aids in better planning for the risk and choose the best way forward.

Let’s take a sneak peek inside at the seven types of app development risks and how they can be managed in agile environments

Sometimes, after the project goes on the floor, the development team realizes that specification regarding mobile app development in the proposal is either incomplete or contradictory.

Prismetric Technologies
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