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Essen Tilapia Fish Barracuda

Barracuda Essen
Essen Tilapia Fish Barracuda

this Time we present to bring information to all of you lovers of the strike, about the essen tilapia of the product, the barracuda, which of course has advantages in any variant of that recommended.

Barracuda is a product essen oplosan terbaru with premium quality and have been tested by anglers can increase the quality of the feed their own blend. The champion fishing rod, make essen barracuda as essen featured them in any competition, because it is able to prove its quality in the field. Fish successfully in a fishing rod using the essen of the product barracuda harmless and safe to eat.

Barracuda itself have advantages such as, it can be used in a wide variety of conditions, the weather, the pool area different, the color of the pool water is as different as the colors of brown, green, or in a pool of murky though, and in bandrol with a price that is affordable. Barracuda are also not only used to mix one type of bait, the barracuda can also be used to bait pellets, bait white bait natural bait concoction himself and passes the other.

Barracuda essen now comes with one of the essen for tilapia that is, Essen Tilapia. available in the variants :

A1 Barracuda : have a fishy aroma and asem, suitable for catfish and tilapia. Suitable for use in all kinds of terrain, water conditions and weather. Fishing in the pond/reservoir is suitable.

Barracuda Essen
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