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What can machine learning do?

naaz aniqua
What can machine learning do?

Machine learning is one of the best modern innovations of this era that has enhanced not only many industrial and professional processes but also advances everyday living. Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) which focuses on using statistical techniques to build intelligent computer systems in order to learn from databases available to it and provides systems the ability to learn automatically and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

Machine learning depends on the user's input or a question requested by the user the framework checks whether this question’s answer is available in the knowledge base or not. If it is available, it will restore the outcome to the user related to the query. The main purpose of machine learning is to allow computers to learn automatically and focused on the development of computer programs which can teach themselves to grow and change when exposed to new data. Machine learning is an algorithm for self-learning to do stuff. ML is interested in learning to complete a task, make an accurate prediction and behave intelligently. Machine learning allows the model to train on data sets before being deployed. Some machine learning models are online and continuous.

Now Machine learning has been used in multiple fields and industries. For example, image processing, classifications, medical diagnosis, predictions, learning association, regression, etc.

What is the purpose of machine learning:-

Now data is growing continuously, and it is very difficult to understand all the data with higher accuracy and speed. 80% of data or more than 80% of data is unstructured that is photos, videos, documents, graphs, etc. The data has been very vast, the time taken to compute data would increase, and this is the time where machine learning comes into action, to help people with significant data in minimum time.


Applications of Machine Learning

Financial Services: Companies in the financial sector or any other business using machine learning for two key purposes: to prevent fraud, and identify important insights in data. Machine learning can easily detect the fraud and it is very helpful to recommend new products, identify opportunities for investments, enhancing customer services and trade.

Marketing and Sales

More than 80% of marketing organizations are implementing machine learning to enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales of new products and services.

 ML helps in Measuring marketing’s and many contributions to generate revenue growth is becoming more accurate real-time with the help of analytics and machine learning. Marketers are using machine learning to understand, customer segments to provide personalized and targeted messaging to the audience.

The best marketers are using machine learning to understand, assume and act on the problems their sales prospects are trying to solve easily, faster and with more clarity than any competitor.


Machine learning in healthcare has recently made headlines, it is an important field which offers value-based care to millions of people. Machine learning is very helpful to identify skin cancer and cancerous tumors on mammograms. Recently a JAMA article reported the results of a deep machine-learning algorithm that is able to diagnose diabetic retinopathy in retinal images. It is confirmed that machine learning puts another arrow in the quiver of clinical decision making. Machine learning has the ability to look at images, identify abnormalities, and point to areas that need attention, thus improving the accuracy of all these processes.        

Analyzing tests, CT scans, X-Rays, data entry, and other mundane tasks can all be done quickly and more accurately through Machine learning. Radiology and Cardiology are two disciplines where the amount of data to analyze can be overwhelming and so much time-consuming.

Applications of machine learning in healthcare

  1. Identifying Diseases and Diagnosis
  2. Drug Discovery and Manufacturing
  3. Medical Imaging Diagnosis,
  4. Personalized Medicine
  5. Machine Learning-based Behavioral Modification
  6. Clinical Trial and Research
  7. Crowdsourced Data Collection
  8. Better Radiotherapy
  9. Outbreak Prediction


Machine learning solution has already begun its promising marks in the transportation industry where it is proved to even have a higher return on investment compared to the conventional solutions. However, the transportation problems are still rich in applying and leveraging machine learning techniques and need more consideration. The underlying goals for these solutions are to reduce congestion, improve safety and diminish human errors, mitigate unfavorable environmental impacts, optimize energy performance, and improve the productivity and efficiency of surface transportation.

This special issue aims at reporting on new models and algorithms related to the use of machine learning in the field of transportation and, furthermore, analysis of the reliability and robustness of the system.

Machine learning applications in transportation

  1. Monitoring and managing transportation system performance
  2. Autonomous vehicle and connected car
  3. Freight transportation operations
  4. Air traffic control
  5. Predictive analytics for smart public transport
  6. Anomalous event detection from surveillance video
  7. Mobility services for data-driven transit planning, operations, and reporting
  8. Vehicle safety monitoring
  9. Passenger safety monitoring
  10. Efficient carpooling and ride sharing
  11. Object detection and traffic sign recognition
  12. Analysis of traveler’s behavior


Fusion Informatics develops a Machine learning system that examines larger amounts of data without clear programming. We have proficient developing experience in creating machine learning algorithms that inspect previous projects of available data and improve performance in the process. We are one of the top machine learning companies in Bangalore, India, Our machine learning developers are experts, and have strong hands-on experience in developing self-learning system for all Industries. Fusion Informatics is the best leading app development company in Indianapolis, and USA, provides applications services for Android, iOS (iPhone & iPad), & IoT app development, working from past 18 years and having good experience in developing 1000+ Mobile applications development covering over 31+ different industries, Where you get your dream app and smoothly operating applications in a very affordable that support your business goals across the world.

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