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10 Ways to Build a Bulletproof Push Notification Strategy

Michael Shannon
10 Ways to Build a Bulletproof Push Notification Strategy

Experts say that notifications boost retention by several times.

If you ask your users for permission to send them push notifications, you are trying to manipulate them.

Mobile app marketers know that, but more often they fail to create a thoughtful push notification strategy for your app and, therefore, miss an opportunity to boost retention.

For example, if your app helps users register for contests and events, make a notification that reminds a user when the registration period is nearly over to let him/her have a chance to be on time.

Obviously, to learn which method is the most effective, you should experiment and measure results.

How it works: it is crucial to test different approaches to push notifications and try different content, tones and timing to understand what interests your audience the most.

Michael Shannon
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