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Agile SDLC: Is it Suitable for Your Next Project?

Aleksandra Bessalitskykh
Agile SDLC: Is it Suitable for Your Next Project?

Nowadays the major tasks software development companies are facing are timely development and delivery of software. Agile SDLC provides a flexible approach to software development in a fast-paced environment with ever-changing customer needs.

The most important advantage of Agile software development life cycle implementation is plain to see. The Agile approach covers the continuous changes that dominate in software development processes. That is why teams can deliver working software fast and release updates more often. So, not to adopt Agile SDLC seems not reasonable.

All software development methodologies can be adaptive or predictive. The adaptive subcategory includes Agile SDLC, while Waterfall, V-shaped, Iterative and Spiral models all belong to the predictive approach. They are designed to meet a number of development requirements and expectations that differ from company to company.

Here you will read about the predictive software development models:

V-shaped SDLC Model is based on the Waterfall model. The development process is associated with flowing water. The development team moves step by step through different SDLC stages. Every stage finishes with testing and a team moves on to the next only after the previous stage is complete. This model is also named Validation-Verification. If all requirements have been fulfilled and the team can move on to another software development phase.

Don't forget that you cannot easily move back a step to fix or add something if you use the V-shaped SDLC model. This model won’t work for you if your software product is new, has many features to be implemented, or you are not sure about the final functionality.

The Iterative approach can be used in projects without the full list of requirements, you only need the requirements for the functional part. Later in the development process, these requirements can be expanded. The approach goes through all SDLC steps, from analysis, to design, to coding, to testing, and back to analysis. The process is repetitive and lets create a new product version for every cycle.

Each iteration lasts from two to six weeks. The result in mind is the release of a new component, which is then added to the existing components and features. The software development team moves the project to the final version of the planned software step by step. The need for repetitive iterations is considered to be the main flaw of this model. If it is not used wisely it may quickly drain the resources for unnecessary changes. This approach will not be good for startups with limited financial means.

In Spiral SDLC Model a great emphasis is placed on risk analysis. The whole development process is split up into many small phases to follow. It may lead to the loss of time and money if the product is new and the final product does not need to be excessively documented. This model can be very expensive for small and low-risk projects.

More information you can read in this article.

Aleksandra Bessalitskykh
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