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The Difference between IELTS and PTE

Ajit Singh
The Difference between IELTS and PTE

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized Test co-owned and conducted by British Council, IDP and Cambridge. The test has been extensively used since 1989 to test and establish the language proficiency of the non-native English users.

On the other hand, The Pearson Test of English (PTE) was started by Pearson very recently in the year 2009 and has been in the domain of establishing the language proficiency of the non-users of English as a native language. The QCA and Edexcel, one of the biggest examining institution of the UK gives the accreditation to the Pearson Test of English (PTE).

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IELTS and TOEFL are quite different in many ways, though they are similar in many aspects, both have many identifiably distinct attributes typical to each of them. One needs to understand the nuances of each test to arrive at the conclusion after careful analysis, what may work better for oneself. While IELTS may be more scoring for some people, it could be vice-versa for other test takers. One needs to do a SWOT to best arrive at the conclusion what may work for oneself as far as scoring is considered.

IELTS has been traditionally a very popular English language proficiency test having acceptance by Canadian, European, Australian and United States and Singapore universities. The PTE test, the latest entrant in the tests area, despite a strong presence of IELTS and TOEFL, has been gaining wider acceptance from more and more countries for the academic purpose of universities’ admission requirements and also for Australia Immigration process requirement..

Test Versions

IELTS has two formats: IELTS General and IELTS Academic required for Immigration and University Admissions respectively. PTE does also has two formats of the test but it is generally PTE Academic which is common for both Immigration as well as the University admissions.

The Academic modules are required for the people planning to go for higher studies to the universities in English Speaking countries, while for the purpose of Immigration, it is the General module. The Young Learner test of PTE demonstrates the English language communication abilities of children.

Test Format and Question Types

Both IELTS and PTE have similar test modules of Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. However, there are certain unique question types and other attributes in the pattern which are completely different from each other.

In IELTS Speaking test, the examiner evaluates the speaking abilities of the candidates by conducting a live one-to-one interview, which is really indeed is recorded into a recorder. But in PTE, there is no live interview and the candidate is required to speak into a microphone for getting recorded into a computerized testing system. A computer software program does evaluate the speaking and gives the score to the test taker. The IELTS is completely a paper based test and has illustrations such as uses diagram, graph or chart for the Reading and writing section. Whereas the PTE is totally computer based and thus uses many other types of Questions and innovative methodology to check the Writing proficiency of the test takers. Now a days, IELTS has also come out with a computer based tests.

While attempting the IELTS test, one can go back and forth to attempt the paper whereas in PTE has different section timings and one cannot move back to the previous section but can move to the forward sections.

Scoring Pattern and Results

PTE has a completely an automated scoring and gives scores to the test takers from the range of 10 to 90, 10 being the lowest and 90 being the highest (cent percent). IELTS (both versions of the tests are scored out of a band of 9, where 9 is the highest.

Usually the IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is available in 13 working days after the test and the The PTE Academic scores are posted online usually within 5 working days.

Test Location and Dates

IELTS Academic test has about 900 centres spread across in the world in over 130 countries and there are 48 dates pre-planned for the same. The IELTS General has about 24 pre-planned dates to offer. India has many IELTS test venues, generally in all the major cities. PTE Academic test dates are available in about 50 countries worldwide and can be attempted on virtually any date of the year provided the dates are available in that particular centre where one is applying. In India , PTE is conducted in more than 15 cities.

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Ajit Singh
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