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Exploring Marketing automation with QL Tech

QL Tech
Exploring Marketing automation with QL Tech

The first is to attract new prospects & leads towards your brand, while the second one involves dealing with an existing customer to get additional business.

In order to accomplish these objectives, it is crucial for businesses to stay on top of consumer’s mind by ensuring consistent and continuous interactions with them.

However given the customer’s immense awareness and expectations nowadays, these emails or messages need to highly personalised and contextual.

If you go about writing each & every mail yourself then it can be very time consuming and takes you away from your main goal which is generating profits for your business.

If you reduce this manual and gain a competitive edge then it’s high time for your brand to take a deep dive into the world of marketing automation.

The technology used for segmented marketing automation is called customer relationship management or CRM, and using tools such as Infusionsoft to eliminate repetitive tasks such as staff workflows and increases the overall marketing efficiency.

QL Tech
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