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Things to consider when moving with pets

Sanmita Sahu
Things to consider when moving with pets

Shifting home with pets can be stressful particularly when dogs and cats are very attached to their owners in their territory. A home shift with your pets can be very disorientating and disruptive. So, we have provided a list of things to consider making your pets feel at home.

  • Try to get a relative or friend to take care of your pet:

On shifting day as they are out of the way. This could be an advantage to you and your pet, and it gives you the time and space you want to relocate without worrying about your pet as it will be away from any stressful situations or loud noises.

  • Keep your pet alone in one room of the house:

And when you would like to keep your pets along with you while the relocation, prepare a silent room in your old home. Keep the doors closed to minimize the amount of noise and to keep your pet polite and calm to ensure that they have their usual toys, food, water, and bedding.

  • Leave your pet’s items for last:

The presence of blankets and toys will keep your pet comfortable. Don’t clean their bedding until a few weeks after the relocation as there is something smelling in the new home.

  • Ensure that your pet’s microchip details:

Or ID tag is up to date. Involve info of your new home address. When your pet determines to take a walk in your new area, it is essential that they can be identified easily.

  • Provide them plenty of attention:

Both during and after the relocation. Feed them before keeping them inside the car because they are likely to get sick of the vehicle. Like us, pets can even suffer from traveling sickness. Hence, when you’re in your car for a longer time.

  • Don’t allow your pet free in your new area:

Without verifying that it is secure. Ensure to verify all perimeter walls and fencing looking out for broken paneling and gaps. If you allow your pets out to explore your new place, get outside with them until they become more confident with their new surroundings.

  • Do not assume that your pet will soon adjust to your new house:

Pets are animals of ease and sometimes they can take time to settle and give them time to become familiar and to relax with their new environment. Try never to leave your pet alone for more time until they are completely settled because this can cause trouble and anxiety.

  • Never scold them when they eat things:

Or they are not home trained within the initial few days. Moving takes time to manage and adjust particularly with dogs as they become very stressed and anxious from shifting. Watch your pet’s behavior and ensure that they are in a place with limited households, to begin with.

  • Don’t avoid them from your feeding routine:

And usual walking when you can help it. Attached to your pet’s daily habit before shifting and then continuing as soon as you have relocated will make the shift a lot more adjustable and will help your pets feel easier.


For more details on minimizing stress, you can consult with your vet always and they are able to advise about how to keep your pet calm and safe during the relocation.

You can hire packers and movers like packers and movers Kolkata to Bangalore to ease your task and for a hassle-free relocation process.

Sanmita Sahu
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