AI Products 

24 Hours, 5 Hackers - 7 Products Secured!

Stephanie Bond
24 Hours, 5 Hackers - 7 Products Secured!

Entersoft hosted the Brisbane Hackfest earlier this month, as a practical, ethical hacking event to test digital assets of participating companies for vulnerabilities and fix them immediately with the help of our expert cybersecurity team.

The 2-day program was organised in collaboration with AustCyber, Advance QLD and OCQE at The Precinct, Brisbane, Queensland.

Businesses from a variety of backgrounds, hailing from across the Australian continent participated to have their product security validated and proactively strengthened.

Vulnerabilities across severity levels across - low, medium, high and critical - were identified across their products.

The highly competitive nature of the event ensured that hackers strived to uncover bugs quickly.

It was a great opportunity for startups and SMEs to secure their applications and educate their product developers on the need for and importance of application security.

For more details: https://blog.entersoftsecurity.com/24-hours-5-hackers-7-products-secured

Stephanie Bond
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