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Global Food Sustainability

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Global Food Sustainability

A strategy would be created which would avoid the depletion of natural resources and also the food sustainability will be maintained at a certain rate which would be accessible by all.

The global food sustainability system will be totally transformed which is urgently needed as three billion and above people are malnourished, this also includes people who are undernourished and overnourished.

This puts both people and the planet at risk.

A report was made public on Thursday (31st July), which reveals about the diets consisting of a variety of plant-based foods, with low amounts of animal-based foods, refined grains, highly processed foods, and added sugars and unsaturated rather than saturated fats, which are useful for health.

The authors contended that the lack of strategies for the scientific targets for a healthy diet have delayed the efforts to transform the food sustainability system.

North Americans eat almost 6.5 times the recommended amount of red meat, while South Asian countries eat only half the recommended amount.

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