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Almost half of tested free Android antivirus apps fail. That might prove very useful to IT.

Geekz Snow
Almost half of tested free Android antivirus apps fail. That might prove very useful to IT.

That's far from ideal, but even worse is if employees choose to download a second antivirus program.

), antivirus programs often conflict and fight each other, generating false positives and other bad results.

Unlike two deadbolts on a door, doubling up on security not only doesn't work with antivirus, it can actually sharply weaken security.

After all, if the company has already installed a high-level antivirus on the phone, why would an employee pay to install a second?

Every Android antivirus app should be able to detect and stop the attempt," the blog post said.

The apps that couldn't detect Metasploit, according to Comparitech, were AEGISLAB Antivirus Free, Antiy AVL Pro Antivirus & Security, Brainiacs Antivirus System, Fotoable Super Cleaner, MalwareFox Anti-Malware, NQ Mobile Security & Antivirus Free, Tap Technology Antivirus Mobile, and Zemana Antivirus & Security.

Geekz Snow
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