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MyFord Touch lawsuit settlement doles out $17 million

Geekz Snow
MyFord Touch lawsuit settlement doles out $17 million

Attorneys overseeing the MyFord Touch class-action lawsuit against Ford have announced that the automaker has settled the class action with a pool of $17 million to pay owners.

Owners or lessees of new or used vehicles equipped with MyFord Touch who acquired the vehicles from a Ford dealer before August 9, 2013, have until September 20, 2019, to file a claim.

The lawsuit settlement has no admission of wrongdoing by Ford.

The lawsuit alleges that the MyFord Touch infotainment system touchscreen system crashed frequently and froze while the vehicle was in motion.

The suit also alleged that the system would fail to respond to repeated voice and touch commands and provided inaccurate GPS information and would unreliably connect to mobile devices.

The MyFord Touch system was installed inside multiple models of Ford and Lincoln vehicles between 2011 and 2013.

Geekz Snow
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