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Bentley recreated this 1939 Corniche from the original technical drawings

Geekz Snow
Bentley recreated this 1939 Corniche from the original technical drawings

Bentley only built a single example of the 1939 Corniche.

Sadly, the car's body was wiped off the map during a World War II bombing raid in France.

Bentley announced on Thursday that it has recreated the 1939 Corniche from the ground up.

With the help of Bentley's Mulliner bespoke department, the company assembled the 1939 Corniche using nothing but original technical drawings and human skill.

However, in 2008, the project ran out of money.

Bentley itself came to the rescue with investment funds, at which point the team began to recreate the car's ash wood frame and aluminum body panels.

Geekz Snow
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