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How to transfer data from an old iPhone to a new one

Geekz Snow
How to transfer data from an old iPhone to a new one

While iPhone owners may pine for the latest new models, many are actually hanging on to their older handsets for longer than ever before.

That’s likely because these older phones still work just great and perhaps because newer phones have become way more expensive over time, making it harder to justify a new purchase.

Whatever the reason, the day will come to replace your old iPhone with a new or different one, and when it does, you’ll want to have all your data assembled just the way you like it.

For that, you’ll want a convenient way to transfer your data from your old iPhone to your new one.

There are several easy ways to transfer data from one iPhone to another — or between iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Unpairing will automatically back up your watch to your iPhone so you can easily restore the data later.

Geekz Snow
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