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Norway mosque shooter allegedly posted to 8chan before attack

Geekz Snow

One week after a gunman killed 22 people in El Paso, Texas, another allegedly planned to live-stream an attack on a mosque in Oslo, Norway, and posted his intentions to hate forum 8chan.

Worshippers told Budstikka (via the BBC), that the man entered the mosque with a “helmet and uniform,” and was overpowered inside.

One person is described as being injured, although it’s not clear what the source of the injuries was.

Local police have identified the man as a Norwegian man, and say that they “have information that he has been online.” The Verge was able to locate the suspected perpetrator’s account on Facebook before it was removed from the platform.

According to screenshots of 8chan post, the shooter referenced the Christchurch, New Zealand shooter, and that he attempted to live-stream the attack on Facebook, but was unable to do so.

Following the New Zealand attack, Facebook and YouTube were forced to remove millions of copies of the shooter’s video, and Facebook implemented new restrictions on who would be permitted to post live video to the platform.

Geekz Snow
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