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10 Easy Ways to Put Advertising on Your Website (Make Money Online)

Shailesh Sharma
10 Easy Ways to Put Advertising on Your Website (Make Money Online)

Not to forget having a bank account and/or an online payment service, such as PayPal for receiving amounts you earn.

It helps advertisers increase online conversions based on performance and allow publishers to monetize traffic with affiliate ads.

The ads are managed by Google and require publishers to have a free account.

In order to place ads on your website, you will need to copy the respective code provided by Google and paste it on your website.

In other words, for every particular time, if an ad is displayed on your website, you will be paid a certain amount of money.

If you consider there is a lot of traffic loads on your website then you may opt for selling the ads directly from your website.

Shailesh Sharma
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