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Data Flows In Power Bi

narayana reddy

Power Bi Data Flows introduced to the public in November 2019. Since we have been working to increase Data flows adoption more by starting the latest and exciting features. Power Bi announced the best improvements in data flows. These data flows are self- serviced. It contains the latest Data Connectors and best connector improvements, old SQL queries support.

Data Connectors

Data Flows generated from 44 connectors. Not to mention, power Bi data flows, have been released. We are adding the latest data connectors without any Interruption. The support for the latest connectors is the main goal of power Bi. We looking for parity with connectors that supported in Power Bi Desktop. Learn power bi training

A few months ago, power Bi Added UI, that goes with the following connectors.


Smart sheet.

Active Directory.

Azure Data Explorer.

Tera Data.


Additional Support Connectors


Informix beta version.

HDFS Hadoop file.
Azure HD Insight.

Hadoop HDFS.





Adobe Analytics.

Azure Analysis Services.

SAP Business Warehouse.

Amazon Redshift.

If these connectors don’t work what to Do or when they are not supported what to Do. A solution is You can Design Connections in Power BI Desktop by using Data connectors UI. After that copy M script that generated to power Query online in power Bi Data Flows editor.

Improving Old Connectors

Depending on user Requests, we improve old connections. At present, we add support on web page data connector for basic authentication. So you can implement it by offering a password and User name. You can find total list that supported connectors in power bi desktop.

SQL Queries

Power Bi added support for operating native database queries. Native Database queries save a lot of time, write a SQL query. And you can reuse it with them with data flows. If you are a writer in SQL queries, and if you don’t know how to write it by using Power BI.

This is the best feature useful for implementing Complex queries, which have higher computation and data filtering, that can be done on the server, that which you have connected. For using SQL native Queries, you can start them by selecting Blank Query from a sequence of Connectors, to script SQL code.

Another option is to make use of Power Bi Desktop to Design native query. After that Copy M script that shows M and pastes, that one into Power query online Advanced Editor. The Copy can be finished in the same way that showed earlier for making queries for connectors that not Guide in Power Query UI.

Online Transformations

If you make use of Power BI Desktop to design Queries. We have best news for you.

Power Query online Engine, data flows utilize while refreshing. Now complete support to all transformations, guided by Power Query Desktop.  Even transformations, you do not yet see in PQO UI experience.

We have two ways to finish this work.

You can make use of Power BI Desktop to design queries. In addition, to implement high-end UI. You have to copy queries to Power Query online.

To initiate guidance for latest support. You can operate a Record. For the table in power Query online, to have a complete list of Supported transformations.

In this year, we have many exciting features, in that two of them are much-requested features from a user like Slicers and heat maps. In addition, we design total facelift of modeling, view generally available. Latest DAX functions and updates to existing features. Like selection pane and button. You can see the updates in this year.

Data connectivity

Azure Cost management connector.
Technical and Intelligent plant’s Company App store connector.
PDF Connector guides tables spanning and multiple pages.

Custom Visuals

Power Slicer.

Cray Dec Regression Chart.

Latest Certified custom Visuals In administration portal.


Latest DAX functions.

Latest Modelling view.


It Represents refer dates as a hierarchy.

Q and A preferences for updating Results.


Visual interactions that we can access.

Option to add Zoom buttons.

Increasing and Decreasing of points to small size.

Resetting updates for maps.

Selecting updates in a pane.

Alignments on a page.

Filtering pane Improvements.

It introduced static web URL guidance for Images, shapes, and buttons.

It has a tooltip formatting option.

Simple and easy Cross-highlight by label axis.

We have heat map support for browsing Bing maps.

One select slicer.

narayana reddy
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