AI Products 

Jib Master lift manufacturer in Pune Maharashtra India

daedalus ind
Jib Master lift manufacturer in Pune Maharashtra India

We at Daedalus Lift & Access Equipments Pvt. Ltd. are skilledJib Master lift manufacturer in Pune Maharashtra India. Our jib cranes are robust and sturdy and can manage very heavyweights. They have a broad reach and are thus very efficient in their work. They provide a cost-effective material handling option with staunch designs. Designed to provide prominent lifting solutions, they have a lifting and handling capacity of 1 ton to 5 ton. They also have a flexible design for better mobility and thus assist your work seamlessly. Please contact us on +91 8698200365 or drop an email at marketing2@daedalusind.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Please go through our website www.daedalusind.com for more information.

daedalus ind
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