AI Products 

Cryptaza- Special Tools And Services

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Cryptaza- Special Tools And Services

Cryptaza is a group of traders and financial experts associated with UAE trading bulls and Australian whales that have the power to control the Crypto market . We provide signals based on market research news updates. Our trading team has more than 15 years of experience in Forex trading , wealth management, and financial services. 

 Special Tools And Services


  • New Coin Listing Bot



A bot that informs you as soon as a Coin is listed on the exchanges.


  • Arbitrage Tools 



you can instantly determine the price difference between two exchanges.


  • Smart USD



An ultimate trading tool to help you switch from a stable coin into BTC at the perfect time.



We appreciate our VIP's. Customer satisfaction is of upmost important to us. Message us anytime and we will get back to you within 2 hours, usually sooner

Other Services

Free learning


Cyptaza Signals have highest record accuracy till now Win rate bitmex 91.44% Binance & Bittrex 91.02%.

Ios and Android app


Our app are designed and customized for an advanced trading experience for the user who can use our tools for easy trading in  signaling from anywhere.

Enjoy VIP Perks

Win Rate Bitmex 91.44%     

Binance and Bittrex 91.02%

Auto-Trading Bot


Connect with our Bitmex and  Binance Autotrader   and never miss a A trade signal again. With the Auto-Trading Bot, you can automatically ‘ follow our signals per API and profit while you are sleeping. Our Autotrader, free for VIP's, ensures you never miss a trade called out ever again. 

Special Tools 

Arbitrage Tools 


you can instantly determine the price difference between two exchanges.


New Coin Listing Bot


A bot that informs you as soon as  a Coin is listed on the exchanges.


 Smart USD 


An ultimate trading tool to help you switch from a stable coin into BTC at perfect time.

High Quality


Only the highest quality Bitmex and Binance trades are released, ensuring our win rate stays high and consistent. We focus on quality signals over quantity, giving us the best win rate more than 92% in the industry.




We appreciate our VIP's. Customer satisfaction is of upmost important to us. Message us anytime and we will get back to you within 2 hours, usually sooner


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