Traditional dentures, or a partial set, can be awkward, uncomfortable, and unpleasant. Moving these dental appliances in your mouth can make chewing and speaking difficult. Many people who wear them wish for a different and better tooth replacement option that solves many of their problems. If you live in the Suffolk County, NY, area, you owe it to yourself to find out more about the best All-on-4 permanent dentures Long Island has available. They're available from either of the Farber Center offices in Medford or Hauppauge. Being fitted for dentures and other tooth replacement options often takes a lot of time, but not in this case. All-on-4 also can be referred to as teeth in a day or 1-Day-Smile. On the same day that you have the four dental implants placed, you'll leave the office with a complete set of replacement teeth. It allows you to replace all of your upper or lower teeth in a single visit. Also, there are some significant advantages over regular dentures. For example, chewing capacity. With natural teeth rated as 100 percent, having only top dentures reduces your chewing capacity to 30 percent. If you add bottom ones, it drops another 20 percent. Therefore, complete dentures leave you with a mere 10 percent chewing capacity. With All-on-4, you'll have a firm bite with up to 90 percent of your original chewing capacity.
Other denture drawbacks include a diminished sense of taste in many people. The upper plate covers your palette, which blocks taste buds from sensing the food you are chewing and eating. Then there is the issue of instability. Held in place with messy adhesives, there's often the issue that dentures slip or do not remain in place, especially when you're chewing. Some people even have situations as dramatic as dentures falling out of their mouths. Aesthetically, they are not always good looking and can cause your face and appearance to age. All-on-4, on the other hand, looks more natural and gives you a radiant smile. It also does not obstruct taste buds, and you'll thoroughly enjoy everything you eat again. Even better, they restore a firm bite giving you as much as 90 percent of your original chewing capacity. When it comes to the quality of life, that's a significant improvement over traditional dentures. The All-on-4 treatment concept replaces your missing teeth with a dental bridge held in place by only four implants. Because you need only four, the treatment itself is quicker, the healing time faster, and costs lower. You'll receive a functional and good-looking set of temporary teeth on the day of your implant procedure, and from there you'll never be without teeth again.
The All-on-4 implant procedure ensures more excellent stability in the bone and reduces the need for bone grafting in most people. It means less discomfort and no long waiting time while the grafts heal. Also, it removes the cost and complication of bone grafting from your treatment plan. The dentists at Farber Center can place temporary teeth on your four implants on the day they are placed. They will look and feel more like natural teeth so that you can live a normal life. Then in several months, we will fit your final, beautiful teeth allowing you to continue smiling and eating all of your favorite crunchy foods again. It will be a significant improvement in your quality of life. Patient reviews of the 1-Day-Smile are favorable, and they are among the most popular implant-supported dental bridges available today. Many people have replaced their dentures and again are living a happier, more comfortable life. Unlike many dental procedures, the benefits of this one begin immediately, and you're quickly looking better, eating better, and feeling good about your smile again.
Jason Mittel is the author of this article. For further detail about All-on-4 permanent dentures Long Island please visit the website.