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Bulgaria FA criticises England boss Gareth Southgate over racism concerns

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Bulgaria FA criticises England boss Gareth Southgate over racism concerns

The president of the BFU (Bulgarian Football Union) Borislav Mihaylov has expressed his outrage and disappointment over comments by England manager Gareth Southgate about the vision of racism at next month’s Euro 2020 qualifier in Sofia.

Southgate, who plans to refer his players before the 14 Oct match, said he afraid of they could face racial abuse in Bulgaria after an away fan supposedly targeted winger Raheem Sterling when the teams come across at Wembley last Saturday.

The FA said an individual was expelled from the stadium for “discriminatory abuse” during the England’s 4-0 win.

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But in a statement on Friday, the BFU said such concerns were ‘groundless, inappropriate and needless.’

In a letter sent to European soccer’s leading body UEFA and the FA, the former Bulgaria goalkeeper Mihaylov said: “We have not received any authorized information regarding discriminatory language used by a Bulgarian sponsor at Wembley Stadium.”

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