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Alphabet’s Wing Are Growing

Ricky Bollerman
Alphabet’s Wing Are Growing

On-demand drone delivery service is inarguably a key lifeline in providing the fastest deliveries in the future.

Consumers growing appetite for faster and faster delivery is the key motivation behind wild efforts by various firms to lead a service that will deliver orders within the minimum time possible.

Most importantly, the drones – unmanned aerial systems (UAV) require comparatively little power to travel for long distances at high speeds.

Project Wing made remarkable progress the same year it was announced by Google’s parent company, having built a proof-of-concept vehicle and software already.

That’s a remarkable breakthrough considering that users may compromise the drone’s safety if they touch down for every service.

This time, the team collaborated with two Australian merchants: Guzman y Gomez, a Mexican food chain and Chemist Warehouse, a chain of pharmacies.

Ricky Bollerman
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