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How a high creatinine level can be reduced?

santosh ka
How a high creatinine level can be reduced?

It is the job of our kidneys to remove the waste compounds from the body in the form of urine. The waste produced by various chemical reactions such as digestion of food is ought to be removed by your kidneys for the proper functioning of the body itself.

Creatinine is one such chemical resulting because of muscle wear and tears. Actually, it is your liver that generates creatine when you consume protein. Creatine is also used by your muscles for their working, but depending upon how much muscles you have, your body uses this creatine. The amount of creatine not used or converted into energy is what known as creatinine and believed to be expelled out by the healthy kidneys.

The more muscle mass you have, the more creatinine your body produces. This is why women always have less creatinine range in the body than what men do. For instance, for healthy women the range considered normal is 0.5 to 1.1 mg while for men, the range 0.6 to 1.2 mg is considered normal. But if you have a creatinine level beyond this range, then it means you should take the help of Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine to bring down the adverse levels of creatinine. The reason why Ayurveda is the best choice for people with a high creatinine level is that the ayurvedic medications put no risk to the health of the kidneys.

What are the causes of a high creatinine level?

Having a high creatinine for a temporary level puts no risk to kidney’s health. So, a health care provider usually does iterative tests to know how your kidneys are working. Sometimes consuming creatinine-based supplements can also impact your kidneys and increase creatinine. Thus, it is important that a routine test is conducted to know the reason.

Below are some of the common causes that may increase the creatinine level.

  • A high creatinine level is linked to the number of muscle mass in the body
  • Overconsumption of medications can also raise creatinine
  • Intense workout pressurizes the muscles and releases more creatinine
  • A low level of creatinine in the urine but a high in the blood state the problem with the filters of the kidneys
  • Some other conditions that can put your kidneys at threat are diabetes, increased blood pressure level, sudden loss of blood, good pasture syndrome, and muscular dystrophy, etc.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys can also result in damage
  • Insufficient blood flow to the disease caused by arteries disease
  • Dehydration
  • Those already with chronic kidney disease may show up high creatinine in the kidney function tests

To release such aspects of the kidney function, it is essential that the conditions that can raise the creatinine level should be avoided and if necessary, Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine should be adopted.

Low vs. high creatinine levels

Creatinine is usually produced by muscle contraction and low levels of creatinine reveal that the person has a low muscle mass. Unlike a high creatinine level, a low amount of creatinine is not a serious problem as it is directly related to the muscle mass. In some cases, a low creatinine level is also provoked by malnutrition, consuming a low-protein diet, genetic conditions, etc. While a high level of creatinine indicates a serious problem with your kidney’s function that should be treated with the help of ayurvedic medicine for creatinine.

Signs of a high creatinine level

To diagnose kidney disease in their stages, it is important that one must be cautious of the signs that appear with the falling health of the kidneys. In the early stages, the kidneys are still able to perform some of their functions and the symptoms that appear at that time include:

  • Changes in the urination pattern: The frequency of urine being changing, blood along with the urine, pain when urinating, and bubbles in the urine are some of the functions that may appear because of a low kidney function.
  • Fatigue body: You may feel low in energy on account of low red blood cells
  • Swelling in the hands and feet: Waste buildup in the cells and tissue can cause swelling of the legs, foot, face and also puffy eyes.
  • Shortness of breath: The fluid retention in the lungs causes a condition called panting
  • Pain in the back: You may feel extreme pain when moving or walking around
  • Itchy skin: Waste develop can cause dry or irritable skin
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure is the cause as well as a sign of kidney problem resulting on account of fluid retention

If you ever feel such signs of kidney disease in your body, then it is necessary you should consult a healthcare provider who can suggest the required tests to confirm the existence of the condition. If three continuous tests show a positive result, it means you have some sort of kidney problem and need Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine

What are the tests to diagnose a high level of creatinine? 

The following tests are conducted by the healthcare provider to extract out more information about the falling health of the kidneys: 

  • Creatinine clearance test: For a healthy young woman, creatinine clearance is 95 mL/min while it is 120 mL/min for a man
  • Serum creatinine: The adequate level of clearance in the female is 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL while in the male it is 0.6 to 1.2 mg/dL
  • Urine to albumin ratio: The normal range of UACR should not be more than 30mg/g 

What are the ways to reduce creatinine naturally? 

Some preventive measures can help to reduce naturally based on the reason for a spike in the level of creatinine. These may include:

Dehydration: Sometimes, the reason for an increase in the serum creatinine is the lack of adequate fluid intake. So, it is necessary that you should drink enough of the water each day to detoxify the kidneys naturally.

  • Lower your protein intake: The excess production or consumption of protein can also raise creatinine, but temporarily.
  • Fiber intake: The fiber consumption can result in the lowering of a high creatinine level.
  • Avoid supplements that have creatinine: Those who consume creatinine-based supplements, there is already a high creatinine in their blood.

Apart from such measures, it is also essential that you take Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine to treat the condition naturally and avoid the stage of complete renal failure.

Karma Ayurveda, one of the prestigious kidney hospitals in Delhi, India offers only ayurvedic medications to patients across the globe. It is the sincere efforts of Doctor Puneet Dhawan and his team of dieticians that has allowed patients to eliminate the condition related to high creatinine level naturally. If you also want a completely natural therapy for your kidney problem, then reach us!

santosh ka
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