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How to Permanently Delete E-Mail Messages in MSN Mail

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How to Permanently Delete E-Mail Messages in MSN Mail

Deleting email messages from your inbox should be a simple, one-click procedure, but many MSN Hotmail users encounter difficulty with this mundane task. The reason for this is a synchronization that occurs between the Web-based mail server and your computer. After you’ve deleted a set of messages, they magically (and annoyingly) reappear in your inbox. Luckily, a simple workaround for this problem is available.

Step 1

Open your Web browser and log in to your MSN Hotmail account. Look through your inbox and identify all of the messages that you want to delete. It doesn't matter if these emails are read or unread – just be sure to tick the box next to each message you want to delete rather than clicking on the message itself. Clicking on a box places a check mark in that box.

Step 2

Select the messages that you want to permanently delete. These emails will be removed from the MSN Hotmail server permanently, so make sure you really want to delete them before you proceed to the next step.

Step 3

Click the "Help" link located at the top of the page. Type "Close Account" into the keyword section of the Help page, hit the "Enter" key then click the link that appears for closing the account. This will take you to the page where you can close your account.

Step 4

Click the "Close Account" button. Click "Yes" if asked if you want to delete the account. Your MSN email address has been deleted, and all incoming e-mail will be returned to sender.

Right-click on "Trash Can," which is listed under "Folders on MSN." Click "Empty Trash" to permanently delete the selected messages.


Synchronization is a necessary feature in Web-based email and it normally affords users a great deal of convenience, but in this case, it causes a problem for MSN Hotmail users.

For More Information 

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