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Tips for Preparing a Software Launch

John Tailor
Tips for Preparing a Software Launch

Launching new software is guaranteed to be an exciting time for your company. No matter if it’s your first official software or an addition to your already existing line, the way you launch it can have a huge impact on how well it’s going to do. But how exactly do you present new software to the masses and give them a reason to buy it? Listed below are five tips that are guaranteed to work.

Examine your billing model

Having a new software launch is the perfect opportunity to take another look at your billing model and make sure you’ve opted for the right one. First of all, take a look at the price of the model and check if it’s the best option out there. If not, chances are you could use another one and reduce the price of your software. Even if your current billing model is the best one available, you can consider going for a hybrid model in order to promote longevity and growth.

Check your pricing

There’s no need to say that the price of your product is one of those things that can decide whether your software will be a success or not. Even if you already have a price in mind, reevaluating it can’t hurt. In fact, if you manage to alter your pricing just a little bit, it might help set you apart from competitors. Of course, if you want to do this, you have to be aware of all your competitors’ prices and decide on yours accordingly. If you’re a B2B business, don’t forget to check how much return on investment companies that buy your software can receive.

Host an event

If you think about how most companies launch new products, you’ll realize most of them host an event where they showcase the product and have their customers become familiar with it. There’s no reason why this shouldn’t apply to your product as well and launching it is a perfect opportunity for hosting your own event. Get a huge screen where you’ll be able to show what your software does and some cool promotional products for your customers. Remember that it’s all about making a good impression and providing everyone with a reason to invest in your software.

Take pre-orders

If you’ve been in the industry for a while, chances are there’s a base of your followers who are waiting for your next software release. Customers who liked your previous software are quite likely to buy from you again and they might even pre-order it. Taking pre-orders is an extremely overlooked launch strategy. Do so and you’ll increase your launch budget and you might even be able to host a bigger event or include more paid advertising into your strategy. It can also help with promoting your new software, so make sure you start taking pre-orders right after you decide on pricing.

Create hype on social media

The age we live in requires every new product to be presented on social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are places where potential customers can learn absolutely everything they need to know about your product. Moreover, you can take screenshots or record tutorials and post them on social media to get everyone hyped up about your new software. Just don’t forget to research which platforms you should focus on the most and be consistent on each platform you decide to use.

Final thoughts

Launching new software is probably the most exciting part of running your business. However, launches are also hectic so prepare for a lot of work. It’s also recommended to eliminate other major obligations until your launch is over.


John Tailor
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