Iron is often given to ADHD sufferers for Memory Plus Program Review various reasons: it synthesizes dopamine from tyrosine, it neutralizes the toxic effects of heavy metals, and it reduces other ADHD symptoms caused by an iron deficiency. However, ingesting too much iron has serious consequences for the brain and body. Researchers have discovered that ginseng can neutralize the negative effects of excess iron by regulating the brain's iron-transporting proteins. So if your child is taking iron supplements as a natural remedy for ADHD, it is best to complement this with a dose of ginseng.
Ginseng can cause all these positive effects because of its biological components. Unlike ADHD medications, which contain only one isolated compound, ginseng is made up of several substances called ginsenosides that work together to provide a number of health benefits. Since ADHD is affected by a number of chemical processes, using ginseng's multi-compound treatment has more advantages than using pharmaceutical drugs.
While only a limited number of studies focus on ginseng's effect on the brain, it appears that the biochemical properties of the herb make it a potent natural remedy for ADHD and related neurological conditions. Of course, ginseng alone cannot treat ADHD. For advice on how to integrate the use of ginseng along with a holistic treatment plan, consult a doctor, chiropractor, or naturopath.By the year 2030, roughly 20% of the American population will be over 65. This raises serious concerns over the amount of people who will have dementia or some form of cognitive decline. So what is normal aging and how do we define cognitive impairment? What can we do to help prevent cognitive decline?
Normal aging of the brain usually involves some gradual structural and functional changes that can result in up to 10% loss of brain volume by the age of 80. There is shrinking of brain parenchyma, especially in the frontal region. Additionally, there is a reduction of blood flow as well as lower levels of chemical neurotransmitters, both of which are normally associated with aging. Senile plaques and neuro fibrillary tangles can accumulate; these are normal aging changes which usually do not significantly impact memory and function, however these can also occur in Alzheimer's Disease in a much more numerous and widespread manner.