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Abigail Smith
What’s worse than when a remedy becomes the problem? This is happening with some Windows 10 users. Obviously, to get a boosted performance and a problem-free experience you’ve updated your Windows 10 computer.Some users have reported high CPU usage in the Task manager even when the system is idle, improper functioning of the Start menu, so on. If you’ve also seen the unexpected processor spike in your system after upgrading to Windows 10 update KB4512941, then possibly you’ll want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. Don’t worry; you have the following ways to deal with Windows 10 update KB4512941 high CPU usage issue:
How to remove Windows 10 KB4512941 update
You may regret it, but this is an effective and safe solution to deal with the problems you’re meeting after installing Windows 10 KB4512941 update. Here is the procedure to safely uninstall the KB4512941 update from your Windows 10 system.
  1. Start your device and go to its ‘Settings.’
  2. Select ‘Update & Security’ from the settings window.
  3. Now, go to ‘Windows Update.’ For this, you will have to click on ‘Windows Update’ in the left menu. However, here you can also reach from the Windows 10 search.
  4. After that, click on ‘View update history’ in the Windows 10 Update section in the right box. In the next window, you’ll see your update history with details about each update.
  5. Click on ‘Uninstall updates’ text at the top of the update history window.
  6. Now, look for the Microsoft Windows KB4512941 update in the name list. It should be at the top of the list.
  7. Select Microsoft Windows KB4512941 update from the uninstall updates list.
  8. And then click on the ‘Yes’ button in the Uninstall an update pop-up.
As soon as you confirm uninstalling the update, Windows 10 KB4512941 update will be removed from your computer as well as all those new problems. Your system will now again become as it was before upgrading to the KB4512941 update. You can check the CPU usage; now it won’t be that higher.
How to troubleshoot Windows 10 Update KB4512941 High CPU Usage issue using Registry
Although uninstalling the updated version from the system is the safest way to fix this problem. In case, you are not able to remove or uninstall the KB4512941 update or degrade your PC to the older version; then you can go for tweaking settings from Registry. Here is what you have to do.
Note: A single mistake in the Registry can push you in more trouble. So, be careful while doing changes in the Registry. Therefore, you’re advised to take full backup of your system before entering into Registry.
  1. Click on the ‘Windows’ logo at the bottom left corner.
  2. Now, type ‘Regedit’ on your keyboard.
  3. Click the ‘Regedit (run command)’ in the Best match heading. This will open the Registry of your Windows 10 PC.
  4. Now, go to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search”. You can use the left menu to reach here or copy-paste the path into the path field at the top of the Registry window. Ignore the quotes while copying the path.
  5. Look for ‘BingSearchEnabled’ in the name list and click twice on it.
  6. Replace the Value Data ‘0’ with ‘1’. 
  7. After replacing Value Data, click on ‘OK.’
  8. Now, close ‘Registry.’
  9. Restart your device.
Several users have also found deleting BingSearchEnabled DWORD helpful. To do so, you right-click on BingSearchEnabled and click ‘Delete.’ This will troubleshoot Windows 10 Update KB4512941 high CPU usage issue. Once the Microsoft permanently fixes the problem, follow the same steps, and set the previous ‘0’ Value Data to revert the changes.
Abigail Smith
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