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The composition of a multimedia speaker set

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The composition of a multimedia speaker set

Generally, speaker sets are composed in the same way. A set of speakers is composed of two boxes at least, there we speak of a two-satellite acoustic system with a subwoofer. This type of set is intended to reproduce the sound of a stereo source. The-best-pregnant-multimedia

Then we have the 5.1 system. With this set, we have five satellites and a subwoofer. It is even possible to have a 7.1 system. These latter types of sets are intended for cinemas or reproduced sound in a larger frame. Be aware, however, that a set of speakers 2.1 may be sufficient for normal use.


The size and material of a speaker box for a PC may affect the quality of the sound played by the device. A wide case allows the air to circulate better and thus to diffuse a deeper sound. Typically, the size of a speaker determines the maximum level of volume that can be emitted.

However, before buying a speaker juggernaut, think about the size of the room in which it will be used. Indeed, a speaker game with huge boxes cannot make a pleasant sound in a small room. In addition, choose speakers that are firmly sealed to avoid unwanted vibrations that can ruin the sound quality. Reviews at https://saimdeals.com/ about the computer speaker under 50 which will allow you to explore the top 10 options.


On a speaker, the motor is the conical or circular center part. This part is responsible for converting the electrical energy of amplifiers into sound by vibrating the diaphragm which is exposed to an electromagnetic field.

Typically, a larger engine produces a louder and sharper sound than a menu engine. Because of this, the size of this device counts a lot in the purchase of a set of 2.1. Indeed, as this type of speaker does not have a subwoofer, but consists of a woofer and tweeter, it is best to take it in a model with motors of a minimum of 5 inches.


The bass is the rumbling caused by the low sounds picked up by the speakers and which are broadcast in low sounds. For this sound to come out better, opt for a set of speakers with subwoofer. This last device processes the low-frequency audio signals to deliver them in low notes.

Some subwoofer models are offered in a wired configuration. Computer subwoofers are usually connected to satellites that handle all frequencies. Be aware that 2.1 speakers with subwoofer are the ones that cost the least. For an even clearer sound, opt for these speakers with a separate subwoofer.


The tweeter is a smaller sound engine than the subwoofer. Generally, a tweeter has a diameter of 1 inch or less. This device is responsible for broadcasting high-frequency sounds. On some PC multimedia speaker sets, a sound engine called the midrange driver is also present. This engine processes intermediate frequency sounds.


The diaphragm is the first responsible for the good quality of the sound that will come out of the speakers. This device can be made in different materials; you must pay particular attention to it before making your purchase. Low-end speakers often contain diaphragms made of paper, silk or plastic.

Of course, these speakers still offer a pleasant sound. However, if you are really looking for a flawless sound opt for high-end speakers. Computer speaker sets in this range contain titanium or aluminum diaphragms. These materials respond more clearly to electromagnetic stimulation to produce more accurate sound.


To enjoy stereo sound better, you need a 2.1 system or a set with two channels. It is also possible to have one unit at each audio output channel when using more than one speaker. This allows an even more powerful broadcast of sound.

Be aware that the number of speakers in a sound system is indicated by a number with a decimal. The number before decimal designates the number of satellites and the number that follows it designates the number of subwoofers. In a 2.0 for example, the subwoofer is integrated into one of the satellites.

So in 2.1 we have two satellites and a subwoofer.


Basic PC speakers do not always have controls and some sets only have a large volume knob. When speakers have such a configuration, you need to control them via PC. So, if you need a more versatile multimedia speaker set, opt for models with physical control buttons.

Some of these speaker sets also have control buttons for bass and treble. Besides, it is better to have a subwoofer with independent control buttons. The premium speaker sets are offered with remote controls.

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