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iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 RAM and Battery Capacity

HK Tutorial
iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 RAM and Battery Capacity

In as much as the changes made on the iPhone batteries are visible when it comes to performance, Apple did not make any technical specifications concerning how large or small the new iPhone batteries are.

But according to the battery specifications provided in the documentation that was written by TENAA; which is a Chinese regulatory management agency, we can get a better understanding of these new iPhone batteries.

iPhone 11 Pro Max is followed closely by iPhone 11 which has a battery capacity of 3,110mAh.Surprisingly iPhone 11 Pro ranks third in this category with a battery capacity of 3,046mAh.From these figures, it is evident that the battery in iPhone 11 is more energy-efficient compared to the battery in iPhone 11 Prostheses capacities are a representation of some of the upgrades that Apple has managed to make.

Through them, you can easily trace some of the improvements that Apple has done in terms of modernizing the iPhone battery.

The iPhone XR which was recently succeeded by iPhone 11 is still some people’s favorite because of the high-performance battery that Apple installed.

According to Apple, the battery in iPhone XR can provide users with up to 25hours of talk time and an estimated 15hours of internet use.

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