AI Products 

5 IoT Startups to Watch in 2019

Vova Shevchyk
5 IoT Startups to Watch in 2019

The main concern of your employer is to reduce the production of defective material, because it leads to the loss of clients.

Smartex team thinks it is losing focus on the main product idea.

Bitsensing team are RADAR experts, whose solution is to innovate its technology by improving the resolution to replace expensive LiDAR sensor.

What could be more suitable for a modern person, surrounded by smart devices?

Speak to IoT is sure that their biggest achievement is that the software platform can provide voice command and control to customers' IoT devices or systems through Alexa, Google, or Native voice assistants in no time, unlocking accelerated time-to-market opportunities at a fraction of a cost and superior end-consumer experience.

Viezo saves up the energy from the vibrations to power up the IoT sensors that many industries use.

Vova Shevchyk
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