But in recent years that slope has transmuted into a free fall.
Everything is or is being connected to the internet, hence IoT!
One such sector to benefit from this revolution is the healthcare industry touted to be a $117 Billion market by 2020.
Enterprises are going through a global digital transformation with IoT being at the center of it.
With smart devices recording various patterns of consumer behavior such as their interaction with AI, the conversion rate, consumer decision processes etc, this information coupled with machine learning, design thinking, the blockchain, and data intelligence, will be continuously churning out insights previously inconceivable.
Smart Homes: IoT at home
The concept of smart homes where the refrigerators texts the grocery store when you’re low on milk seems ala George Jetson-ish but it’s very much here. A lot is happening in the smart home segment. There are refrigerators that can tell you recipes to cook based on inventory in the fridge. Trash cans that sense what you discard and make online orders to buy replacements. Washers & dryers that text you when the cycle has ended. Nest thermostat that allows you to plan the temperature, controlling it remotely from anywhere using its native app. Locally there’s the
Videocon set-top box that allows you to control the tv and it’s built-in app store remotely from the phone using Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE). There’s also an Airtel version where instead of BLE, a barcode scanner and internet connection is used.
In all this high tech perfection there is still a major element that is cognizant by its absence, interoperability. This is where Ikea comes in. The
Trådfri smart home lighting by Ikea can be controlled wirelessly using the touch of a button, same like Philip’s smart home lighting and other brands, but what sets them apart is that they support interoperability i.e they can be controlled from other mobile apps such as those of Videocon or Google. Not only this they support AI integration from all the major A.I’s willing to integrate. Now, this is the vision of the smart home that the future holds. All the objects of the home interconnected and accessible from a single mobile app in perfect synergy.
Of all the technology trends happening, the Internet of Things might well be the biggest. It’s the foundational building block of all that’s happening. What will AI alone do if it doesn’t have any devices to connect with? In all honesty, even your phone is worth trash if it doesn’t have internet. Just as behind every empire there’s an emperor, there’s IoT ruling this empire(technology). But there’s always that power behind the power. The king might be supreme, but he is controlled by his nobleman. So who powers this digital king? It’s the applications! For all the power IoT has, it is fuelled by the apps that support its integration. Even to read this article you would be using an app, be it Safari, Chrome or even Edge, doesn’t matter. The answer is there. Apps and software are the noblemen powering this IoT revolution.
For any queries regarding enterprise mobile app development, drop us a line at enterprise@affle.com.