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What Lies Ahead For The Global 5G Market?

Andrew Thomas
What Lies Ahead For The Global 5G Market?

With the rise in internet of things (IoT) and connectivity generating unimaginable amount of data, 4G network and speeds are going to become obsolete and it will be mandatory for large corporations, banks, and financial institutions to upgrade their infrastructure to adapt to the upcoming 5G reign.

As per a market research report published on the official website of market intelligence firm, Research on Global Markets, the global 5G market is expected to reach a value of USD 277 Bn by 2025 expanding at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 111% year on year during the period of 2019 to 2025.

Once the 5G network is up and running, internet speed and network latency are going to be so productive that all anyone will need to connect with the internet is a mobile phone and begin streaming high speed internet connectivity.

The revolution it is going to bring in this semi connected world of today is unimaginable.

It will take less than 1 millisecond for games like PUBG that face a latency of 10 milliseconds.

Its an extraordinary feat for competitive gaming.

Andrew Thomas
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