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Next 5 Features of WhatsApp Clone App

veronica gilbert
Next 5 Features of WhatsApp Clone App
1.Push Notifications
This the most important feature, as it lets the user know about the new messages and calls when they are offline. This helps the user to know who sent them the messages and the number of messages they received.
2.Message Saving System
The app can store your messages only to a certain limit. A lot of hassles are faced by WhatsApp when it stores outdated messages. For this purpose, WhatsApp doesn’t store the messages on the server when the user logs in with another number. This helps WhatsApp from facing hassles as it removes outdated messages.
3.Media Files
This is the lifesaver feature as it allows the user to send documents, videos, audios, contacts, and images. This is the must-have feature in a WhatsApp Clone App. Customers will expect this feature as it is fundamental for any instant messaging system.
4.Group Chats
Group chats are often used in office, college, and family environments. It helps the user when it comes to sending a single message to 20+ contacts. Only the user knows how many group chats they are in.
5.Sharing Location 
This feature is helpful in situations to reach a certain place like meetings or a new place you don’t know about. Geolocation and Google Maps are integrated into it. You can also boom your business with location sharing to your customers who are new to your venture.

6.In-App Audio and Video Calling

It is very important to include voice and video calls in your Instant messaging app. And also the quality of the calls should be crystal clear. So that the user can use the calls without any disturbances. And now literally you can say goodbye to video calling apps as WhatsApp has integrated video and audio calls.

7.Mute Conversations 

Generally, if a user receives a message the user will get notified with the push notification and a message tone. Think about how it disturbs the daily activity of the user? So as a solution, the user can use this feature the mute the conversation. Here the user can choose to mute a certain conversation up to a certain period.

8.Last Seen

The user can go incognito by using this feature. This does not let the other people know the online status of the user. The user can disable this setting when they don’t want to hide their last seen.

9.Encryption and Security

WhatsApp has an end-to-end encryption security feature to hide the messages from hackers. The messages are encrypted on the sender’s and receiver’s phone and decrypts accordingly. So you can also use this feature in your WhatsApp Clone App for security purposes.


The User can Block and Unblock the unwanted contacts by choosing the block option. 

Wanna Know More? Then,
Visit: https://www.startupmart.net/top-features-in-your-whatsapp-clone-script-app

veronica gilbert
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