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Report the Results of the 2019 Elections to Jokowi, the COMMISSION: the Representation of Women Rose

Berita Terkini
Report the Results of the 2019 Elections to Jokowi, the COMMISSION: the Representation of Women Rose

Report Elections 2019 - The General Elections commission (KPU) to meet President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the state Palace, Jakarta, Monday (11/11).

In the meeting, the COMMISSION reported the results of the implementation of presidential elections (Presidential Election) and Legislative Elections (Pileg) 2019.

According to him, the number of representation of women, both as candidates and elected as a legislator ride than some of the previous Pileg.

In the Legislative election in 2019, the number of women who successfully become members of the DPR and the DPD has reached 162 persons.

That number rose significantly by the 23.6% compared to the 2014 Legislative election are around 131 people.

“So since 2014-2019, the 2014 Elections and the 2019 elections, the number of female candidates increased as the mandate in the LAW on affirmation of women's representation,” he said.

Berita Terkini
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