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Eight SOES Want to be Involved in the Rescue of Bni

Berita Terkini
Eight SOES Want to be Involved in the Rescue of Bni

Jiwasraya - The establishment of a subsidiary is thus one of the strategies to support the performance and improve the liquidity of the company.

(Read: Capital Minus Rp 24 T, the FSA Still Learn Scheme Rescue Bni life)

With four partners, the composition of the ownership of Bni Sons namely Bni 64%, BTN 20%, Telkomsel 13%, as well as Pawnshops and KAI respectively 1.5%.

In addition to through the operation of the Bni's Son, the government is reviewing ways rescue Jiwasraya other.

Deputy Minister of state-owned Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, she said that she will coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the options that can be applied.

"Release some stress not finished yet, and if it is definitely diomongin.

Berita Terkini
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