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The facial expressions and the power are also part of the cosplay

cao yaogang
The facial expressions and the power are also part of the cosplay

Karen Anzai, vocalist, and composer who has attiré attention as one of the ic&taxes;nes the next génération appelée Pos Gal, publié Cosplay Costume of «Asta-style», the main character of the anime télévisé «Black Clover» on Instagram on October 30. This résounds like «style and strength in the face» «one day I can become a character of the game».

Ansai, who sings the song thème of the anime "life is a battlefield", a déclaré: "I have a essayé défier the first Kos, the héros préféré of Bracro, the style of" Asta "Kos ~," and Asta in a mini-skirt and a daughter égraze. Watch Spider-Man Cosplay Costume arrangé. This is similar to a CG that is out of the anime, such as advancedés soignées, abdominals serrés and thin legs.

Making his débuts with the opening of Reiwa, Ansai-san was talking about the new génération, and the music making of the rebirth of the années 90 a space. Il était éalso intéressant d’to attract l’attention on the fact that the single was released on a été publié for free in the stores, the Tower Records in the country in the form d’a «single 8 cm» general economic interesté dépurpose of années 2000.

The 31 October, the talented Nicole Fujita has parserété héroïdoes Emma cosplay of Instagram, a manga popular «Promised Neverland» in a Halloween costume.

Mr. Fujita who has libéré Emma wearing a wig for the orange hair with the comment, "Halloween of this année is the imaginary country". It is a Demon Slayer : Kimetsu no Yaiba Cosplay Costume high qualité, which reproduces the hair specific to the character, the white shirt of the costume and the police of characterères du numéro id (My number) of the neck. He looks younger than usual, according to l'âge of Emma (11 years old). The makeup is also impressive.


cao yaogang
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