AI Products 

Cab Booking Mobile App

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Cab Booking Mobile App

PHP Scripts Mall developed a new advanced Taxi Booking Android Application for taxi business is the solution to get rid of all tensions regarding easy and quick booking, payments, management and more on. In today’s digital era, the industries are living their best time by combining a surfeit of mobile application development in there architecture to simplify the work process and gaining huge exposure in the international market.

Cab Booking Mobile App is essential for any taxi fleet to survive in today’s world which will help you approach more users, increase business profits and take bookings easily. The user-friendly Android Cab Booking App makes the process more simple and seamless management. In our application, both the users and drivers can register their account with their valid credentials and once the account is verified by admin they can login to the system. In the user side, the user can update their profile details and on the main page, the maps are displayed with real-time available taxi drivers.

Cab Booking Mobile App in the driver portal, the drivers has to submit the license proof, vehicle insurance, vehicle registration, and vehicle permit proof, to ensure the real drivers. After the user riding request is given the admin has to approve the request, and also able to see the total rides, earnings, etc. The user can enter their pickup, dropping location and also the current geo location as the pickup location. The rate is displayed for per Km and estimate cost will be enlightened, then the user can give riding request to the taxi drivers. Overall the customer booking experience has become much more intuitive, faster and mobile-friendly.

Here is a switch option which helps the driver to make them online or offline. After the request is accepted by the admin the user can mode of payment and the amount will be credited. This on-demand Taxi Booking Android Application happy to guide you through to ensure quality results.

The supreme part of our Cab Booking Mobile App is the master admin side where all the user, driving, drivers, payment and ride management are managed by the admin. The Android Cab Booking App is right for the booking, customer track and checks everything about the drivers and also end-to-end support.

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(IND) – (+91) 9790033533

(USA) – (+1) 8586330515

(UK) – (+44)203 290 5530

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