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Why does SI Joint Pain affect women during pregnancy?

SRC Health
Why does SI Joint Pain affect women during pregnancy?

SI Joint Pain is one of the most common sources of pain for pregnant women. Sacroiliac joint pain often affects the back of your pelvis, hips and can also travel down your legs. "Most musculoskeletal pain in pregnancy is related to relaxin, a hormone that causes your muscles and ligaments to relax…This allows your pelvic musculature to relax to allow for your growing fetus. However, relaxin also can cause other muscles and ligaments to relax causing impingement on nerves and pain. Because the ligaments within and surrounding your pelvis are stretching and relaxing, your joints don't have as much support as they normally do…Ligaments provide stability, so if the ligaments are relaxed it can lead to joint instability which can lead to too much joint mobility or can cause other surrounding muscles to compensate, usually by tightening, and this can cause pain"

Despite diagnostic advances, women often see multiple doctors for their chronic back pain before finding a cause or treatment option that works for them. The survey by SI-BONE found that 87% of respondents who suffer from chronic lower back pain have seen up to four doctors for treatment.

Many physiotherapists still recommend wearing a pregnancy pelvic belt that needs to be correctly fitted to support the pelvis, especially in severe cases of Pelvic Girdle Pain.

Wearing pregnancy compression support garments such as SRC Pregnancy Shorts or Leggings during pregnancy will assist with pelvic and low back support in daily activities and at work without any of the hindrances caused by pregnancy support belts.

Should the symptoms of SI joint pain or Pelvic Girdle Pain continue after delivery the SRC Recovery Shorts or SRC Recovery Leggings will provide the required support for the lower back and pelvis whilst assisting the healing of DRAM, C-section wounds, perineal trauma and episiotomy wounds

Wearing an SRC Health compression garment during and after pregnancy creates muscle activity and therefore stability to the joint that is supported by its surrounding muscles. Activity of these muscles is the key to reducing pain and discomfort of pelvic girdle pain and providing strength and stability to the pelvis.

SRC Health
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