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Speech In Front Of The Mass, Anies Baswedan: The Reunion Of The 212 Reflection Of Unity

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Speech In Front Of The Mass, Anies Baswedan: The Reunion Of The 212 Reflection Of Unity

Anies Baswedan - The governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, said the Reunion of the 212 being held in Monas is a reflection of the unity of Indonesia.

The things he conveyed in his speech of welcome the Reunion of the 212 at the National Monument (Monas), Central Jakarta.

However, what makes Indonesia unique, because in the middle of a lot of the diversity of the people of Indonesia can be united.

Anies came and gave his speech with the use of uniforms colored light Brown in the event 212.

He also said, the coordinator at the Reunion 212 should be able to adjust the mass well.

Don't cause a scene," said Mahfud in his office, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/11).

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