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Glancing back at the questionable 1996 World Cup, after 23 years

Rajata Pradhan
Glancing back at the questionable 1996 World Cup, after 23 years

After 23 Years Glancing back at the questionable 1996 World Cup

Discussed World Cups in the historical backdrop of the game was played in 1996.

Many episodes occurred in this World Cup which rose above the creative ability of the cricket fans and specialists alike.

There were results declared without matches being played, while there were observers who ceased the match procedures.

After the majority of this, it was the Sri Lankan group which lifted the World Cup on seventeenth March 1996 - precisely 23 years back today.

While the underlying matches occurred with no interference, the genuine discussion started when it was Sri Lanka's swing to have the matches.

Rajata Pradhan
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