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How to send text messages via Hotmail account?

Marrie Smith
How to send text messages via Hotmail account?

Hotmail is one of the first webmail services that Microsoft purchased in 1997. Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith formed Hotmail in 1996. Microsoft retrofitted Hotmail in August 2012 and changed it to Outlook.

Now all the account of Hotmail has been upgraded to Outlook. But there's no need to worry, because Microsoft reveals that all Hotmail accounts are automatically redirected to Outlook so that you can always use your Hotmail account. That's why both Hotmail and Outlook are now hosting online.

This update has made outlook a big leader in mail services. It is used so widely because it is still user oriented and in case of issues, one may contact hotmail contact number for easy help.

Many people think the phone has to have the Internet and they need to subscribe to a data plan in order for them to connect remotely from their PC to a cell phone. One solution for older phones that don't have Internet access or phones that don't belong to a data plan is by using standard text messages. It is easy sending text message with hotmail and the help for the same can be obtained with hotmail helpline number.

You need to know the cell phone provider of your sender to effectively send a text message through your Hotmail account. This is necessary because a specific SMS Gateway is used by every cell phone provider.

You can use a SMS gateway to send text messages to a carrier's network using a common e-mail address. This e-mail address can vary from carrier to carrier.

Text messages sent via your Hotmail account still have to stick to the character limit of your sender carrier. Most, if not all, cell phone providers typically have a text message limit of 160 characters.

  • Sign in to your Windows Live Hotmail account by typing your email address and password respectively in the boxes "Windows Live ID" and "Password" and then selecting "Sign In."
  • Click the "New" link on the right hand side of "Hotmail." Open the Compose window.
  • In the blank area, type your text message and enter the SMS gateway of your recipient's carrier in the "To" field. Enter the phone number of 10 digits.
  • Use the "Forward" button to send the email as a text message. You have successfully sent a text message through your account.

If you need help for this, you may contact hotmail support number.


See Also : How to Acquire Quality Help For Your Hotmail Errors

Marrie Smith
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