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Global Deep Packet Inspection Market – Industry Analysis and Forecast (2018-2026) – By Products, End Users, Applications, and Geography

jaya rathod
Global Deep Packet Inspection Market – Industry Analysis and Forecast (2018-2026) – By Products, End Users, Applications, and Geography

Global deep packet inspection market was valued US$ 2.02 Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 18.54 Bn by 2026, at a CAGR of 31.93% during a forecast period.

It can monitor, filter, read emails, website history, chats, and so on that pass through its system.

Growing urbanization along with increased purchasing power is expected to trigger the usage of mobile devices over the forecast period.

Moreover, credible privacy violation concerns are estimated to challenge market growth over the next few years.

Rapid growth of mobile data networks combined with growth of new data-intensive applications is projected to offer lucrative opportunities over the forecast period.

Intrusion detection system provides an effective layer of security to an organization internal network.

jaya rathod
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