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Create Your Custom Blockchain For Supply Chain Managment

stacey roberts
Create Your Custom Blockchain For Supply Chain Managment

As blockchain started to revamp and disrupt many industries, it becomes the most profitable remedy for industry challenges.

There are more than 20+ industries that are gonna transform with blockchain technology, but, among other industries, the supply chain industry is grabbing more use cases, as the entire system involves a lot of traceability and transparency issues.

We have already discussed the concept of blockchain in supply chain and logistics in our previous article.

Developing, Testing and Deploying a custom private blockchain application separately for individual supply chain industry on any blockchain technology like hyper ledger, ethereum, Hashgraph, R3Cords, and EOS, etc.

You may think the existing supply chain system almost seems to work properly, then why need blockchain?

Before seeing the challenges in supply chain, Let's have a quick view of Supply Chain types and models.

stacey roberts
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