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World Oil prices Stable Amid Falling U.S. Stockpiles

Berita Terkini
World Oil prices Stable Amid Falling U.S. Stockpiles

Katadata.co.id - World crude oil prices move stably in trading Thursday (19/12) morning time Indonesia.

This is due to the decline in oil inventories of the United States (U.S.) does not match analyst expectations.

On the other hand, a trade agreement the US and China raises hopes of increased oil demand in the next year.

Reuters noted the price of Brent oil only rose by 7 cents to US$ 66,17 per barrel.

While the price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil (WTI) fell 1 cents to US$ 60,95 per barrel.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) said U.S. crude inventories fell 1.1 million barrels in the week ended on December 13, 2019 to be 446,8 million barrels.

Berita Terkini
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